type declaration

英 [taɪp ˌdekləˈreɪʃn] 美 [taɪp ˌdekləˈreɪʃn]

网络  类型定义; 类型声明; 类型说明; 类型声明语句



  1. A Java return type for each method declaration which indicates the desired object format or type for the pureQuery runtime to return data access results to the caller.
  2. The idea is that when two services interact with each other, the service link type is a declaration of how they interact& essentially what each party offers.
  3. The% type declaration specifies that an expression non-terminal also uses the value member of the union.
  4. It doesn't matter what types are in the array& you just choose the right type for your declaration.
  5. Unlike the Java language, JavaFX Script does not require you to specify a variable's type in its declaration.
  6. For yet another declarative example, consider a document type declaration that describes a dialect of valid XML documents
  7. An external function is a type of function declaration that opens the door for implementations to allow the user to define the body of the function in a different programming language.
  8. Notice the document type declaration, which is used to load a DTD, which contains any strings that should be localized ( basically any natural language strings presented to the user).
  9. This allows the schema author to specify type substitutions on an element declaration which are selected based on the evaluation of XPath expressions.
  10. It turned out that eXist didn't resolve the relative URL used in the document type declaration.
  11. This is standard practice nowadays and helps the compiler to detect type mismatches between function definition/ declaration and function usage.
  12. The return type of the method declaration indicates in what object format the results of the SQL statement will be returned.
  13. They then traverse a substitution chain of element declarations or a type hierarchy to determine whether the element declaration satisfies the substitution or type derivation requirements.
  14. It refers to a non-generic type declaration.
  15. Type declaration characters are not valid in this context.
  16. For the sake of brevity, most of the examples in this specification do not begin with the document type declaration that is mandatory at the beginning of each HTML document.
  17. AJDT also contributes template proposals, so you can for example type "pc" and press control-space to insert a template for a pointcut declaration
  18. When declaring an element outside the context of a type declaration or group, you need to be careful because the scope is global.
  19. Method type body is defined without member function declared for creating object type. You need to define member function declaration.
  20. Be sure to include a document type declaration. This will enable browsers and assistive devices to interpret your content correctly.
  21. As I have worked on both Surinx and Duby, it has become apparent to me that they're essentially the same language with different dispatch mechanisms and type declaration requirements.
  22. After document type declaration, the remainder of an HTML document is contained by the HTML element. Thus, a typical HTML document has this structure.
  23. Nodes declared in the document type declaration.
  24. Event stub^ 0 has a parameter type mismatch with its event declaration. Events take a single parameter as object.
  25. Method% 3 on type% 1 from assembly% 2 tried to implement a method declaration with a different virtual state.
  26. The declaration of ATLAS includes constant declaration, type declaration and variable declaration.
  27. The Methodology and Implementing Guide of Type ⅲ Enviromental Declaration
  28. In this article, the writer's own opinion of using Turbo C is elaborated from four aspect. First, the input of two dimension float type array. Secondly, the function's declaration, Thirdly, the array name regarded as function parameter.
  29. First, the thesis will identify the process type and main participant of each clause in the two war declaration speeches. Then, a qualitative approach will be adopted to reveal the distributions and functions of process types and main participants.